Parabellum P08 (Luger)
Used by: Germany
Date of Manufacture: 1908
Weight: 965 Grams
Range: 50-55 Yards
Calibre: 9 mm (0.36 inch)
Rounds per Clip/Magazine: 8
Rate of Fire: -
Maximum Velocity: 1150 ft/s (351 m/a)
Weapon Type: Pistol
Named as part of a Latin saying, Si vis Pacem, Para bellum, which means "If you want peace, prepare for War," the German Luger Parabellum was adopted by the German Army in 1906 and saw quite bit of service during World War II. The German Navy had adopted the Luger Parabellum some time earlier.
Parabellum P08 (Luger) on Wikipedia