Stielhandgranate 39
Used by: Germany
Date of Manufacture: 1918
Weight: 363 grams
Range: -
Calibre: -
Rounds per Clip/Magazine: -
Rate of Fire: -
Maximum Velocity: -
Weapon Type: Grenade
One of the standard-issue grenades for the German forces during WWII, the Stielhangranate 39 was often referred to as the stick grenade, or potato masher, due to the odd long-handled shape. A later version of the Stielhangranate, knonk as the 43, moved the ignitionfuse to the top of the grenade, enabling it to used as a mine as well as a grenade. There was also a version of the Stielhangranate known as the Nebelhangranate (Fog-grenade.) that was used as a smoke grenade.
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