Easter Egg Operation Overlord - Lighthouse
To be honest this one isn't worth to do. All you have to do is to shoot ten blue bottles on the map. It's
important that the last on you shoot is the 10th one on the list. But if you do it in this order, it's easier.
● Minimaps with important marks:
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Minimap with important marks
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Minimap with important marks
1 - In the lower level, two guards talking by a room with a desk inside, the bottle is on the floor by the desk.
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First bottle
2 - In the room with the explosive bags, smash the wooden cupboard doors to find it.
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Second bottle
3 - In the sleeping quarters, under a bunk bed.
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Third bottle
4 - In the sleeping quarters, on the top of a metal locker.
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Fourth bottle
5 - On the shelf above a desk through the double doors marked "Gesch B".
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Fifth bottle
6 - In the dining room on a table.
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Sixth bottle
7 - In the kitchen area, lying in an open cupboard.
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Seventh bottle
8 - In the room marked by a red sign "Arzt", on the top of a metal locker.
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Eighth bottle
9 - Go through the two metal gates, under the double door with the "Gesch D" on the yard, turn left and go
  in the room on right, the bottle is on a table.
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Nineth bottle
10 - In the sleeping quarters near the room with the 9th bottle, smash the last bottle and kill the drunk guard.
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Tenth bottle
You will see the Easter Egg right after you kill the guard.