Hi! We are happy to let you know that we've made some changes to the site and we have some news
First, we removed some dead links and some useless stuff.
But we've added 2 new links under the links section.
One of them is from the well known palyer Zdenda, which focuses on editing the game.
The other is a simple site, mainly for tracking the currently running H&D2 SS servers. You can also see a lot info about them.
And we are very sad to say but our forum is dead for good.
It's long dead now and you may know it already.
R.I.P. forum :(
Let's see what else. In the Downloads section we have to new links.
You can find a lot of useful stuff over there.
Gamespy drops support for H&D2, Creating server in Win7.!
Unfortunately Gamespy no longer supports H&D2, this means that the in-game server browser is not working.
Clicking on the "Update list" button would download game server informations from the "master server", but GameSpy shut this service down.
Therefore updating will result an empty server list. Fortunately the H&D2 community has came up with some solutions, here
are two of these fixes.
The simpliest one is to get an old "ServerList.bin" and overwrite the one in the
.../Illusion Softworks/Hidden & Dangerous 2/PlayersProfiles/ folder. Then entering the games multiplayer menu some servers
can be seen in the list. These are the servers from the old "ServerList.bin". It is important to only use the "Refresh list"
button to get server informations! This way the game gets the infos directly from the game servers, not trying to connect
to the offline "master server" as using the update button. To avoid the game overwriting the working server list with an
empty one when using the update button it is recommended to set the "ServerList.bin" file to read only.
The other solution is to use this website:
www.nomandown.com/hd2/servers/. On this site the server infos are shown
directly and if the connector app is installed (click on the "Install App" button) the game can connect to these servers.
Click on one of the servers on the website and the "Join Server" button and the game will launch and connect to that server.
We have one more important news! We managed to launch a playable internet game server on a Windows 7 system! There is a
here. The Win7 related part is the last one.
(Note: to launch a non-dedicated server - playing on the server as admin all the time - only the "Step 2" setting is needed!)
Thanks for
=RpR= and
RS clan for the information on their websites, furthermore Will Waywell for the
nomandown.com site!
New unpacker!
There is a new Hidden & Dangerous 2 unpacker on the web. Really easy to use.
If anyone interested or want to do some more modding here is the
Usage instructions
=RpR= clan
Hidden & Dangerous 2 - Historical bacgrounds
Not only the equipments and vehicles in the game are from the WWII era also the campaigns are based on historical events.
We would like to show you a little summary of the Historical bacground.
This compilation is from the english text files of the game.
You can get a glimpse on it
Christmas at R.I.P. clan HQ!
Ben [RIP] clan made a fantastic and amazing image!
Also, here are all of the ideas for the "mission" title:
Operation Present Perfect - White Christmas 2010
Operation Bad Santa - Brittün Christmas 2010
Operation Holiday - Frontline Christmas 2010
Other images:
No news for a long time!
Since the last news we have played Mafia II, and the Jimmy’s Vendetta DLC.
We know that you didn't get the promised "report" about the game but "what is delayed may come/happen later".
We have tested the Mafia II Demo through Steam.
So far, only some images have been uploaded from the game, later we will share with you our impressions as well.
Characters of Hidden & Dangerous 2!
For a long time no changes were made on the site.
We were working on the characters section, where you can find informations about the playable allied soldiers!
In the future there will be some small changes on the section and maybe the non-playable and axis soldier will be uploaded
as well.
Wrong map installers!
We are truly sorry but we have just recently noticed that the installers were copying the maps into an incorrect folder, so they didn't appear
in the maps list!
Only the fixed versions are available in the downloads tab!
In case you've installed some of the maps earlier, navigate to your Hidden & Dangerous 2 folder and copy the directories inside the
"Missons" folder to the "Missions" folder.
"Missons" --> "Missions"
Yes, it was a simple typo, sorry once again for the mistake!
One more guy joined the clan: Undead.
Chameleon PC game runs by LS3D engine
Chameleon is a 3rd person shooter game which is using the LS3D engine developed by Illusion Softworks.
It has its own section under media tab, so find out more about
Chameleon CD cover
Again, in the stores in a brand new package!
We were looking for Hidden & Dangerous 2 in stores for our friend and then found out that it has been released
in a new package, unfortunately only in Hungary - according to my knowledge!
Its called: Hidden and Dangerous Anthology and includes H&D1 (improved version) Deluxe, H&D2 and H&D2SS - mission pack.
If you'd like to have this game in your collection and you have no chance to get it, just contact us!
The game is (1160 HUF / 1290 HUF depends on which website we order it from), which is about 4€ and another 3€ for delivery in
Hungary and the extra cost to delvier it to you. If we can help you to get this game we would be happy to help you!
Check it out on the shops' website:
Hidden & Dangerous Anthology front cover
Hidden & Dangerous Anthology back cover
Let's play on the site! :) + Solution! :D
"I invite you to play on the site. The goal is to find the following image on the website:

If you find it, click on it then you'll have acces to the testing page of the site, where you can find
some interesting and never seen content.
I don't want to spoil more:). Good searching!"
Well I think I left you enough time to find that icon. I can tell you now that it's under Clan Members tab and it's hiding
under Tib [RIP] clans image, which is transparent and movable ;).
Unfortunately in Internet Explorer the image is not transparent.
Internet Explorer problem!
We would like to apologize from those who are using Internet Explorer. Unfortunately in IE (7-8) this new drop down
system in the news doesn't work. All news are always opened.
Google Chrome and
Firefox 3.X
it works just fine!
We only tested it in IE 7 and 8.
Over 1000 Visits! Over 5000 Pageviews!
Massive update on the downloads tab! + 2 new map pack!
Each map under downloads tab now has an icon and if you click on it you can find details and see some
images about that map. Two new map packs has been added!
See the changes.
Medals in Hidden & Dangerous 2
My friend Beni had an idea, that we should collect all medals which you can earn in the campaigns and missions. And we did so.
So now these Medals are available in the
folowing link or under media tab.
Medals in Hidden & Dangerous 2
Happy New Year
We wish a Happy New Year to our visitors! At the end of the year and at the beginning of the new year the clan "retreated" from the game and the website.
But we're back and we continue where we left off.
"Happy Christmas and Cool Holidays" - Ben [RIP] clan
R.I.P. clan shooting duel again at Simontornya + Picasa Webalbum update!
4 member of the R.I.P. clan visied Zotya's paintball field again. We spent a whole day shooting each other, over 500 shot balls.
Had a great weather, clear sight. All together there were 8 people so we played a 4 vs 4 team deathmatch :P.
This time many pictures were taken so have a look on our
Picasa album.
R.I.P. clan at the resting place
Direct Wikipedia links
Each 3D model now has a Wikipedia link where you can read more about them.
We found nothing about some models on wiki so there is no link.
I hope you'll find these links usefull.
New images
New images were uploaded under the
media tab.
Some of the pictures are waiting for labels but it's worth to watch.
I didn't mark all the new ones but it's easy to find them.
New downloads!
New downloads are now available under the
downloads section.
These are not really new downloads but it took a long time till I decided to make them downloadable on our site.
There is also a
fan site kit pack. It's a mix of pictures and icons from the game.
GigaSuperMegaBossZombie DaM
I'm just playing Left 4 Dead the Ultimate Surviving Experience game,
shooting the fuc* out of everything in sight and suddenly BWAAAH DaM appears,
the GigaSuperMegaBossZombie on the ground.
I instantly shit my pants :)
by Draquo [RIP] clan
GigaSuperMegaBossZombie DaM (by Draquo [RIP] clan)
It's time to vote!
Every visitor will get a chance to make a decision in a question on the
votes page. Of course we create the questions and answers
but if anyone has a good idea don't be shy to write us to the ripclan e-mail address:

The current votes will be shown in the news. You can also find a link to them on the bottom of the
opening page.
R.I.P. clan Picasa Web Albums.
From now on the clan photos from museum visiting, traveling and other events will be released on
Please note that it takes time to sort out all the images and upload them.
HM Museum of War History - Pintér Works Military Museum and Military Technology Park
We visited the
Military Technology Park in Kecel, as it have been mentioned on the forum, the
exhibition shows dozens of cannons, tanks, supply vehicles, amphibious vehicles, planes,
rockets (Even an intercontinental one!) and other military machinery, about 1500 machine in
total. If you are planning a visit, you should prepare for an at least 2-3 hour walk in the
Park. The Museum will have a new exhibition area, we only saw this from behind a fence, there
will be trains and tanks for sure, as well as those machines we couldn't see. The entry fee is
1500 HUF, but it isn't much for one of the biggest military museum in Europe.
Take a look on Google Earth of the park at this coordinates: 46°32'18 N 19°14'36 E.
Some of the pictures are available on the clan's
Picasa album.
Note that the images were taken with a mobilephone.
HM Museum of War History - Pintér Works Military Museum and Military Technology Park
Tribute to the Mechanic (DJ McHanic)
A new short funny video is available in the videos menu of the Honorable and well known Mechanic from Africa 3.
This is our tribute to his heroism and perseverance.
Let me see that!
Clan meeting
To be honest we didn't wirte about the recent clan meetings.
The reason is simple, we think about ourselfes as good friends.
So when the crew gets together we don't think about it as a clan meeting,
just simply spending our time with friends. Also, we have met each other many times,
so writing reports for every occasion is pointless,
we will tell You about the interesting happenings anyway.
When we see each other we don't spend all the time playing H&D2 on LAN,
rather go out somewhere, BBQ in the backyard and these kind of stuff. Our objective is to have fun!
Aviation Museum in Szolnok
Half of the clan took a trip to the
Aviation Museum in Szolnok,
where We saw numerous planes from the past eras.
Many helicopters, planes (passenger, fighter, bomber, cargo, and some more specialised ones too),
engines, armament are parts of the exhibition,
as well as a Gaz fuel car (This one is Draquo's favourite).
It's truly a great place to spend a day here. The entry is free.
The pictures which were taken here are available on the clan's
Picasa album.
Aviation Museum in Szolnok
All the english translations under the 3D Models section were corrected, but please
report mistakes you meet.
Flash games of Hidden & Dangerous 2 / Vietcong.
My friend Beni mentioned that there was an online flash game of H&D2, of which I tried to find out as much as I could but the only result is this
On this site another game's flash version of Illusion Softworks gets refered to: Vietcong.
H&D2 Flash game
Vietcong Flash game
3D Models section is under continuous updating!
Finally I've got my HDD and all my data back so i started to upload some models!

icon shows you the new ones.
10 Years old Hidden & Dangerous
I don't really want to write too much about this, because i didn't remember that but my friend Lars did.
So i'm not gonna spoil anything, take a look and read this
Hidden & Dangerous 2 "Ammo Boxes"
H&D2 on TOP 20 Best Selling in 2009!
I proudly present this rather stunning information. While surfing on the web I found a list of
the TOP 20 Best Selling PC games in April 2009. The site didn't seem reliable, so I started to search
for the list on other sites, too. I found these two links:
So that's it. In 2009. the 6 year-old Hidden & Dangerous 2 is on a TOP 20 Selling list, even if
on the 20th place!
We're looking forward for some more info about H&D3, after Mafia II ;).
Recently I found this collection on hidden-and-dangerous.net check it out!
You can find out more or comment the
collection here.
Hidden & Dangerous collection
New page in the Media section: Hidden & Dangerous 2 Parody.
R.I.P. clan on facebook.
R.I.P. clan is now on facebook. We've been on the popular hungarian site
iwiw but now we thought it's time be on
facebook. You can now contact us there,
This way!.
4 members of the clan took part in a unforgetable paintball shootout thanks to Zotya.
The paintball field in Simontornya, the lunch and the numerous WW II weapons and other relics
made that very long day a memory we will never forget!
On the photos: DaM, niC, Kuglof and Ben [RIP] clan
R.I.P. clan plays paintball
R.I.P. clan plays paintball
The clan dismissed some inactive members
New Year's Eve 2007 - The night of the Deadshot 2!
It was time to show the young brother of the good old Deadshot for the crew, and welcome 2008!
Deadshot 2
2007.12.29. - 2008.01.03.
R.I.P. clan took part in the B4U (Bullets 4 You) H&D2 Objectives cup.
1. Round XVBi B vs. R.I.P.
2. Round ELITE vs. R.I.P.
3. Round Black Knights vs. R.I.P.
4. Round Tunkhunters vs. R.I.P.
5. Round B4U vs. R.I.P.
6. Round B4U vs. R.I.P.
12:0 (Round cancelled, score was deleted.)
0:12 (Round cancelled, final score.)
Individual placings:
10. Ben [RIP] clan
38. Draquo [RIP] clan
62. DaM [RIP] clan
69. GerryZ [RIP] clan
74. Gergely [RIP] clan
76. niC [RIP] clan
2007.09.03. - 2007.12.09.
We have two new members: Laca and GerryZ.
The [=UTB=] admin.
One of our members reported that the admin on the [=UTB=] server is kicking players from the match without any
reason and never lets the allied team win. He also mentioned some other things about him
(mainly about the admin's sexual behaviour), but I think you can figure out his reactions when he was told all of this.
Two more guys joined the clan: Rizsa and Hegylako.
2006 Silvester - Fifth clan meeting.
We had the party at the HQ in Tata, where we had everything we needed for the celebration.
Special thanks for DaM's mother (MoM [RIP] Clan) for the supplies! Our (Draquo and Ben) way back home had truly been an experience,
but after the technical problems had been solved, we've arrived in one piece with our vehicle (Who would
think in 0°C the engine doesn't have proper cooling?).
Ben was given a great piece of a Chinese mass production for present, a Realistic Western
Sound Lightning Rifle Pistol... the Deadshot (See below.). This lethal weapon became cultic for
the whole clan after a day. Because the device started to shoot randomly without even thinking
of the trigger, so we had great fun with that, too. It also kept shooting us senselessly into swiss cheese on sight.
2006.12.30. - 2007.01.02.
The fifth meeting is gonna be the celebration of New Year's Eve, so there's gonna be a R.I.P. party with laughing, playing
and having fun "in PJs".
On PLAY.com you can still/again buy Hidden & Dangerous - Hidden & Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron in several designs.
The Courage Under Fire contains the well known Hidden &Dangerous 2 and the Sabre Squadron
Mission Pack, (so You can experience the war as the elite SAS troops saw it) however on PLAY.com it's not available.
Fourth clan meeting, in the top secret HQ in Tata.
We proudly introduce Kuglof, our new member.
Third meeting at DaM's house, the HQ in Tata.
Second national clan meeting in Tata, at DaM's and niC's house.
First clan meeting.
This event took place at our server host, Tupoljev's house.
The clan is officially established as R.I.P. clan.
R.I.P. = Rettenthetetlen Internacionális Pusztítók (Fearless International Devestators)
The site started.
With a fully Flash-based version.